Monday 18 June 2012

keputusan result aku @-@,,

seriously i saying that im realy nervous waiting for''HARI TERBUKA'',,,just wanna share with u guys if u also feel the same feel like mine,,,im very hopes that my mom either my dad will not gets mads on me infront my teacher cuz my result is very2 scared,,,hahaxx,,but 1 things that i always want to know is my prince charming's result,,,im surely that he also got same standard as me,,(yeah,,i hope so)if he get's more A's than me,,,then i will going die bcuz  feel ashamed with him,,hahaxx.....

masyeh kawan ku=D

firstly,,aqu nx ucpkn trima qase bnyk2 kat kawan aqu,,*najwa*,,cuz dielah yg tlh mmperkenalkan aqu kpde dunie blog nie,,,aqu betol2 terhutng budy kat die,,,mnjgr aqu ngn penoh kesabaran n x jemu nx tolong aqu untoq mnyiapkan blog yg x seberape ini,,,time qaseh skali lagi najwa binti mat najib,,,,saranghaeyo:*

first time with blog:)

hai,,,my name hannnan syahirah binti abd razak,,,
this is my first day for updating some story about myself,,,
if u wanna know more about me,,,then just leave a mesej,,